Find Essays by Jeff Reifman

Here are a list of the publishers where you can find essays by Jeff Reifman:
- Three cover stories for Seattle Weekly: Investing for Change, Microsoft’s Sacred Cash Cow, Citizen Microsoft. My first time in print. I credit the late Jeanne Sather (Seattle Times obituary), my writing instructor at the University of Washington adult extension. Sather’s a long time journalist who introduced me to Weekly editor Chuck Taylor. I met Taylor at Victrola Coffee on Seattle’s Capitol Hill. It was April 1st, 2004, the day of the Gmail launch announcement. I told him I was sure Google’s free gigabyte of email was an April Fool’s joke. I was wrong and he still let me write about Microsoft and the plight of windows as I began my switch to Apple products.
- My first published piece at Grist Magazine about my trip to Antarctica. Sather taught her students to give one article a way if they had to but otherwise to insist on always getting paid.
- Crosscut began as a for profit local journalism project. I was one of the original investors. Over time, pressured by the changes to the journalism business model of the Internet, we converted Crosscut to a nonprofit publisher. I’ve written for them about Microsoft, Amazon, Seattle, health insurance, corporate personhood et al.
- Envato Tuts+. I wrote there for a couple of years. Highlights include Using Social Media to Locate Eyewitnesses to Important Events, Hosting Your Website After Death and series How to Program with Yii2 and Build Your Own Startup.
Here are other websites I’ve written for:
- GeekWire, a Seattle-based news site covering technology and the Internet, Microsoft, Amazon et al.
- BoingBoing, a popular culture blog which has also covered some of my writing and activism
- SeattlePI
- Elephant Journal
- The Stranger, Seattle’s Only Newspaper
- The Observer
- Common Dreams
- Real Change News
- Nieman Reports
- Nieman Lab
- Mailgun: Geogram, Mailgun PHP SDK, List Subscription for WordPress
- Programmable Web
- SysCon
- BizJournals
- Sky Valley Chronicle
I’m grateful to all the editors and publishers that have allowed me to contribute.