Category: Corporate Power

Fifth Anniversary of Woman’s Marriage to a Corporation
Today marks what would have been the fifth anniversary of Angela Vogel’s marriage to my corporation, Corporate Person. On July 17th, 2012, King County granted their right to marry and then took to Facebook later to tell the couple that...

Forget Boeing, Microsoft’s Tax Break Costs $776 Million
On Tuesday, The Seattle Times’ columnist Danny Westneat expressed shock that Boeing’s tax breaks cost the state $304 million last year. He failed to mention that the legislature’s actions in 2010 allowed Microsoft to save $776 million in taxes this...
Arc de Triomphe Without Cars and Tourists
Here’s a recent view of Paris’ Arc de Triomphe in a rare moment of being free of cars and people. During the 2015 UN Climate Conference, activists had stained the road around the site in green. I happened by when...

Capital One Credit Card Fraud Detection Stupidly Shuts Down Accounts
Final Update 10/15/15: After emailing with the Capital One support person below and given that they’d provided the credit that I asked for, I reactivated my accounts to give the new text alert system a try. Their exec support team called...
When Banks Turn Off Your Credit Cards to “Protect” You From “Fraud”
Closing My Capital One Account to Get Help I’m waiting for Capital One’s senior support team to reach out to me to discuss whether or not I will finalize my request to close my accounts with them. Today, for approximately the...

The Out of Pocket Maximum That Isn’t
The Affordable Care Act's Out of Pocket Maximum isn't what you'd expect. In Washington State, it's insurance fraud.