Category: Uncategorized

Off the Mat’s Yoga, Purpose and Action Coming to Seattle
8 Limbs Yoga is hosting Off the Mat Into the World’s Yoga, Purpose and Action 2.0 in Seattle October 12th – 16th in 2020. I took the trainings in Austin, Texas about eight years ago and I highly recommend it...

Greta Thunberg Full Address to U.N. Climate Action Summit
The full video and transcript of Greta Thunberg's U.N. Climate Action Summit address.

The Greatest Athlete of All Time is Vegan
If you’ve followed Alex Honnold’s climbing career, you know the physical prowess of his skills but also the inspiring way in which he manages his mental focus and compartmentalizes fear. His new movie, Free Solo, shines the spotlight on his...

Help My Friend Tim Clemans Off the Streets
Help inspired assistive technologist Tim Clemans afford shelter in Seattle

There’s a Problem with Your Tweet
There’s no problem with your tweet, there’s a problem with Twitter Have you noticed lately that fewer people see and react to your tweets? Looks like there’s a problem with your account. At least that’s what Twitter will tell you...

Support the Amazon Head Tax
My column in the Seattle PI in support of the head tax on Amazon encourages neighbors to fight the real monster in Seattle.