Tag: jeff bezos

Support the Amazon Head Tax
My column in the Seattle PI in support of the head tax on Amazon encourages neighbors to fight the real monster in Seattle.

Amazon’s Terrible on Diversity (The Seattle Times is Wrong)
While I greatly appreciate Nina Shapiro’s front page story on Amazon’s impacts on The Seattle Times, I disagree with her coverage of the company’s impact on Seattle diversity; in fact, her reporting contradicts two other statistical reports from The Times’ Gene...
Seattle After Amazon
If you have an article to recommend for this index, please contact me or tweet @reifman. In the past couple of years, there’s been a steady stream of outstanding journalism and research documenting the dramatic changes taking place in Seattle, largely driven by Amazon’s explosive...

Amageddon: Amazon’s Driving Seattle to an Increasingly Obvious Future
GeekWire published my latest “‘Amageddon’: How Amazon’s culture is taking a toll on Seattle’s future“. It’s received nearly 10,000 Facebook actions and definitely tapped into unspoken upset in Seattle residents about the company’s growth. Here’s an excerpt: When I arrived...

Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos: Frequent Campaign Contributor, Infrequent Voter
[sc:amazon] Given the overwhelming influence of money in politics these days, it’s easy to get cynical about voting. Even I’m not sure any longer that it makes much of a difference and recently have stopped voting as frequently. Still, it’s...