Explore Brush of Seattle’s Public Street Art
Explore public street art at Brush

Zoom vs. Signal: Protecting the Privacy of Your Video Conversations
Read "Protecting the Privacy of Your Video Conversations: Understanding the differences between Zoom and Signal App" a new report which reports on China's controls over Zoom and more.

Emma Ivy – The Best Things Come in the Rain
Rain is from Emma Ivy’s 2020 album Aphid: From her Spotify Bio: Emma is a multi-disciplinary artist living in Chicago, IL. In January 2018, she released her first EP, “the Birds”, a small collection of the first songs she ever...

Power Dynamics and Inclusion in Virtual Meetings
Aspiration’s Evelyn Arellano has a super timely piece for Covid-19 people working from home, it’s called “Power Dynamics and Inclusion in Virtual Meetings.” There’s also a PDF which may be a bit easier reading. Raise your hand if you have...

The Herbfarm | Farm to Frontline (Video)
As of today, the Seattle region has raised $270,769 for The Herbfarm to prepare more than 10,437 meals of which 8,415 have been delivered to fifteen Covid-19 hospitals since March 15th. The kind folks at Motion State gifted this beautiful...

The GoFundMe that Powers The Herbfarm to Feed 14,626 Doctors, Nurses and Medical Staff
Update June 4th, 2020: Through the last eleven weeks, the tireless staff at The Herbfarm produced 14,626 meals for medical teams around the Puget Sound Area. Seattle and Eastside residents have raised $330,829 via GoFundMe, OneRedmond and the now closed...