Tag: ross hunter

Microsoft Begins Returning Proceeds from Tax Dodging
Update: Welcome Slashdot readers! Please be sure to read about the San Francisco-ization of Seattle by Amazon and other technology leaders: How Our Success is Ruining Seattle Is Microsoft the New Robin Hood? Microsoft begins returning a fraction of its...

Hunter’s Promised Royalty Tax Revenue Never Materialized
But the point of adding only royalty tax apportionment (out of scores of other B&O classifications) to the 2010 services apportionment bill was never meant to generate additional revenue, it was meant to eliminate the issue of Microsoft’s worldwide licensing...

The Third Anniversary of Washington State’s Big Tax Gift to Microsoft
Wednesday will be the third anniversary of the biggest corporate tax break in Washington State history. On April 10, 2010, the Legislature changed the definition of the state’s royalty tax and effectively granted amnesty to Microsoft, helping the company lock...