Tag: amageddon

Jeff Bezos and Tom Cruise

Seattle’s Coming ‘Amazocalypse’

Amazon's male programmers struggling to find bathrooms will soon be able to walk home to pee.

/ September 20, 2015

Seattle After Amazon

If you have an article to recommend for this index, please contact me or tweet @reifman. In the past couple of years, there’s been a steady stream of outstanding journalism and research documenting the dramatic changes taking place in Seattle, largely driven by Amazon’s explosive...

/ May 18, 2015

Funded By Seattle Real Estate Developers, Forbes Writer Attacks Amazon Critic

Upton Sinclair said, “it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it*.” This is evident in Roger Valdez’s column in Forbes today (How Jobs and Awkward White Men Are Destroying a...

/ March 3, 2015