8 Limbs Yoga is hosting Off the Mat Into the World’s Yoga, Purpose and Action 2.0 in Seattle October 12th – 16th in 2020. I took the trainings in Austin, Texas about eight years ago and I highly recommend it to yoga practitioners interested in better understanding themselves and their path.

Here’s excerpts from the description from the OTM website:
Yoga, Purpose and Action 2.0 is a 5-day leadership intensive for anyone wanting to discover, refine or expand their purpose in the world and live a life dedicated to justice and inside out transformation. We believe that collective liberation is the goal, and this requires a commitment to a personal journey of introspection, healing and accountability that allow us to participate in an effective and healthy way. We also believe that embodied practices like yoga, meditation and ritual are powerful tools for both self-inquiry and sustainability.
The arch of this training begins with a personal inquiry about the ways you have been shaped by your life experiences and how that influences how you see the world and participate. Next, we explore how to transform our wounds into our gifts, with a very practical and creative approach to taking action in conscious and collaborative ways. All of this is done within a context that acknowledges the systemic issues that shape our worldview and our actions.
In my experience, the original course used yoga, psychology and community to help me assess my involvement in activism against my historical past, growing up in an abusive home. It helped me understand that to be effective as an activist I must be grounded in awareness of my path and the dynamics that form between oppressors and the oppressed.
I’m very grateful for the Off the Mat instructors and the student community. I’ve gained so much from my experiences with them.
I hope you consider checking out the course. Here’s the link to 8Limbs’ Yoga Purpose and Action 2.0.
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