25 Years Ago Today I Started at Microsoft and…
On June 3, 1991, I began my career at Microsoft. Today is also the one year anniversary of my brain surgery. Both have provided incredible experiences yet only one left me permanently scarred. For the first four years at Microsoft,...
Update on Amazon’s Impact on a Ballard Street
My post last May about Amazon’s impact on a Ballard neighborhood street proved quite popular, especially on Slashdot’s: Visual Walk Through Amazon’s Impact On One Seattle Neighborhood. You may remember there were two houses sold as lots: Here’s what those...

My Digital Ocean Affiliate Program Experience
With the Digital Ocean affiliate program, I've helped sign up more than 2,387 new customers and earned nearly $7,000. Learn more about their referral program.

Microsoft Revenue Quietly Surpasses $1 Trillion
Microsoft recently surpassed $1 trillion in cumulative revenues. Similarly, Amazon's earned more than a half trillion. Yet, Washington State still can't afford to pay for education, transportation, police and other vital services and resources.

Forget Boeing, Microsoft’s Tax Break Costs $776 Million
On Tuesday, The Seattle Times’ columnist Danny Westneat expressed shock that Boeing’s tax breaks cost the state $304 million last year. He failed to mention that the legislature’s actions in 2010 allowed Microsoft to save $776 million in taxes this...
My Experience with Domain Investing
Domain investing has been a profitable side project for me. It began back in 2007 when I sold a .org domain for nearly a year’s salary. It was an eye-opening experience and inspired me to invest further. Since then, I’ve...

AmazonFresh Out of Washington State License Plates
When this AmazonFresh truck crashed into a Seattle building in January, one thing that was not a problem was its California state license plates. Certainly, corporations like Amazon are people but if you’re actually a person and don’t register your personal...