Seattle’s New Jesus
With its survival and ruin tied to Amazon, Seattle is worshipping a new Jesus: I spotted from outside a local Starbuck’s store and returned later to ask for the artist’s name — Sam Case, a local artist and barista.
New Seattle: Cyclists Cussing at the Elderly
With Seattle’s rapid growth, formerly sleepy Greenwood Ave has turned into a busy highway. The city has slowed the responsiveness of pedestrian walk buttons to maintain traffic speeds. This morning, I noticed an elderly woman crossing the street immediately after pressing the Walk...

Amazon Will House 200 Seattle Homeless for a Year
Amazon announced this week that it will commit one of its buildings to housing 200 Seattle homeless for the next year allowing a nonprofit organization to oversee the facilities. The former Travelodge motel faces demolition as part of the company’s tremendous...

Seattle News is Gruesome Lately
The news in Seattle is Gruesome lately. Today’s front page at the Seattle Times included the following headlines we really never want to see ever (and definitely not on the same day): Body parts found in a recycling bin were those...

Seattle Homes Selling Quickly in Hot Real Estate Market
Update: Both homes sold within a week. One that I know of sold for $105,000 over its listing price. The Seattle home market is raging out of control. I went away for three days this past weekend and returned to find...

Are Abortions Now $1 for Men in Washington State?
My health insurance bill this week included $1 for “Non-excepted Abortion Services” which confused me. Firstly, I’m a guy. Secondly, despite this, I’d not actually had an abortion recently. All of my friends I shared this with laughed (including many women)...

A New Business Model for Twitter
Only Customer Focus Can Address Twitter’s Decline Despite its 307 million users, Twitter’s market capitalization declined from $50 billion to $11.5 billion in the past two years. This is likely to continue as growth slows and its $100 million quarterly...