Meet Lenore, My Radiosurgeon
A visual guide to CyberKnife radiosurgery for my brain tumor.
Kate Elias: Northwest Freelance Editor
I want to give a shout out and positive recommendation to the freelance editor who has edited and helped me polish a lot of my popular essays from the past year or so, Kate Elias / Resume / Editorial Guild Listing. Kate’s...

The Gift of Brain Surgery
Ask yourselves questions about whether we want everyone in our society to be cared for in basic ways.

Tim Eyman’s 1366 Can Fix Washington State’s Regressive Tax System
Tim Eyman's victory with Initiative 1366 may provide a major step towards real tax reform in Washington State. Cut the sales tax - tax corporations.
Invasion of the Killer Whales: Orcas Hunting Narwhal
This PBS Nature documentary from 2014 showing how Killer Whales are already exploiting climate change to hunt previously protected Narwhal is seriously frightening and amazing. There’s footage of starving polar bears beginning to find new ways to survive — they...
Google Now Studying “Suers”
More evidence of why I’m clearly not smart enough to work there.

Why the Doctor Prescribed Viagra for My Brain Tumor
[sc:brain-toc]I’ve never enjoyed waiting for a stranger to examine my prostate but I at least assumed it would happen the morning I went to see a urologist. For several years, I’d noticed a subtle decline in my libido which seemed...