The Out of Pocket Maximum That Isn’t
The Affordable Care Act's Out of Pocket Maximum isn't what you'd expect. In Washington State, it's insurance fraud.

Seattle’s Coming ‘Amazocalypse’
Amazon's male programmers struggling to find bathrooms will soon be able to walk home to pee.

Jasper’s Summer Cat Shave Frightens Sister Luna
When my neighbor Jasper got a cool lion shave this summer, his sister Luna didn’t recognize him when he arrived home. She hissed at him for days … and then she got her own. Here’s what happened next: The video...

Seattle Traffic Has Grown With Amazon
After reading John Cook’s The worst cities for traffic jams: Where booming Seattle and San Francisco rank at GeekWire, I decided to chart my earlier estimates of Amazon’s employee headcount against INRIX’s Seattle traffic studies. The amount of time a Seattle...

Amazon’s Terrible on Diversity (The Seattle Times is Wrong)
While I greatly appreciate Nina Shapiro’s front page story on Amazon’s impacts on The Seattle Times, I disagree with her coverage of the company’s impact on Seattle diversity; in fact, her reporting contradicts two other statistical reports from The Times’ Gene...

It’s Time to Cut Our Spending at Amazon
The company's ignored the massive problems it's created in Seattle. It's time to stop shopping with them.
How to Import a Compressed MySQL Database From bz2 Format
If you have a compressed MySQL database in bz2 format that you need to import, just do the following: bunzip2 < db_filename.sql.bz2 | mysql -u root -p target_db_name