Using Javascript to Keep Us Safe From Terrorists
Someone buy the Federal government a Safari Online Subscription before we get attacked again by terrorists. Apparently, the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security regularly make use of my blog for help with Javascript: I rest easier knowing...
Huge Kids Sale!
Here’s how one Seattle neighborhood is dealing with our obesity epidemic:

Why You Should Care About Seattle’s Phonebook Debacle
Update: In response to my public records request, the City of Seattle reports it has paid $264,503 in outside legal fees during the Yellow Pages Lawsuit. Reading through the comments on BoingBoing about Seattle’s proposed $500,000 settlement with phonebook companies highlighted for me how misunderstood...

Is The Onion the Web’s Archie Bunker?
Anyone following The Onion the past few weeks probably shouldn’t have been surprised by its offensive Oscar tweet about Quvenzhane Wallis. In recent weeks, they’ve mocked the burning alive of former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner, the murder of Oscar Pistorius’...

WTF? Seattle Hates French Letters
Can anyone shed light on this campaign?

Best Activist Stickers Ever – Le Canard Non!
This is the best activist sticker ever and all other activist campaigns should just shut down now and acknowledge this: Stop the Duck Boats! I’m not certain if this campaign relates in any way to the Seattle Hates French Letters campaign.

Corporate Personhood to Cost Seattle $500,000 to Settle Phone Book Lawsuit
Update 2: There is now a followup: Why you should care about Seattle’s phonebook debacle? Update: This post did not include an estimate for the city’s own legal fees. The city retained Summit Law Group as outside counsel on the case which...