All posts by Jeff Reifman

Jeff is a technology consultant based in the Pacific Northwest.

Assaulted and Bullied by Q13 Fox’s James Lynch and his Cameraman at Westlake Park

Update: None of my calls from Q13 Fox have been returned. Coincidentally, I’ve since learned that its last news director resigned over failing to turn over video of police brutality. This may be an indication of the prevailing corporate culture over...

/ June 15, 2012

Why a Free and Open Internet Matters in Seattle

Effective July 1st, Qwest and Comcast subscribers will have to pay an additional fee to stream Netflix movies and they will no longer be able to make calls with Skype. Actually, we’re making that up, but that’s what could happen...

/ June 11, 2012

Initiative 103 Provides Tools Seattle Needs to Protect Our Community

    Issue after issue in Seattle pits corporate power and influence peddling against residents and our environment. Initiative 103’s Community Bill of Rights provides the tools residents need to protect and manage what happens in our city.     Take a...

/ May 12, 2012

Pacific Northwest Emerging as a Stronghold for a New Kind of Activism

There’s a new form of activism gaining strength in the Pacific Northwest. Citizen organizers in three Washington cities are gathering signatures to place initiatives on the November ballot that would limit corporate power and elevate peoples’ rights above corporate rights:...

/ April 26, 2012

Model Net Neutrality Ordinance for Seattle

Update: Be sure to read our backgrounder – Why a Free and Open Internet Matters which describes how the ordinance works, why it’s necessary and our theory of change. Recently, we wrote that local communities could take inspiration from Pittsburgh’s City Council...

/ June 5, 2011

Brene Brown’s TED Talks on Wholeheartedness, Vulnerability and Shame

Brene Brown is one of my favorite people. Her two TED talks below should be required viewing. You can also purchase her latest best-selling book Daring Greatly: How the Courage to Be Vulnerable Transforms the Way We Live, Love, Parent,...

/ October 28, 2010

Raised, in part, by Radio Shack

Update: Thanks BoingBoing for linking. My lil’ sister writes in to say, “you forgot to mention that you never let your little sister play your video games and she used to cry” and now she’s a corporate lawyer. Thanks also to CrunchGear...

/ April 29, 2010