[fancy_header3 variation=”deepblue” textColor=”#000000″]Articles[/fancy_header3]
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- Liking is for Cowards, Go for What Hurts, Jonathen Franzen (New York Times)
[fancy_header3 variation=”deepblue” textColor=”#000000″]Brene Brown[/fancy_header3]
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- The Power of Vulnerability, TED 2010
- Listening to Shame, TED 2012
[fancy_header3 variation=”deepblue” textColor=”#000000″]Videos[/fancy_header3]
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- Alex Honnold Alone on the Wall and Alex Honnold 3.0
- Ueli Steck’s Eiger North Face Ascent
- Second Nature – Sector 9 Longboarding Descent from Banff Radical Reels
- Calming the Baby Beast – Florence and the Machine
- Toddler Thinks He’s Hula Hooping
[fancy_header3 variation=”deepblue” textColor=”#000000″]Music[/fancy_header3]
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