How to Install Four Google News Reader Alternatives
2015 may mark the rebirth of the blog. This year, Medium’s raised $25 million, WordPress raised $160 million and Dave Winer is trying to help Facebook tear down the wall around its garden. I thought it might be a good time to revisit alternatives to...

How to Respond to Internet Trolls and Internet Rage
I’ve posted a short how to on responding to Internet trolls at Medium: So, you’ve been attacked by trolls? Here’s what to expect: Your phone will vibrate incessantly with Twitter mentions. You’ll receive angry, obscenity filled emails and anonymous comments on...

Shining Light on Internet Rage
Today, I published Shining Light on Internet Rage: Shaming People Online is Easy; Making Change in the Real World is Not about the controversy that erupted over my earlier essay, Shining Light on Cutoff Culture. The outrage against me began when a feminist...

When First Impressions Are Wrong: Miki Agrawal’s Thinx
Sometimes first impressions are wrong. While waiting for lecturer Miki Agrawal to begin her speakeasy talk at the Wanderlust Yoga festival in Whistler, she flashed her underwear quickly at a couple friends in the front row. It was over in a...
Seattle’s WTF? Parking Tickets
I’m kind of straight edge and when it comes to parking I always try to park legally. One time a couple of years ago, I parked on a quiet side street in Ballard partially blocking a sidewalk. I thought it...

The Five Ways Health Insurers Define Deductible
If Merriam-Webster had anything to do with it, the concept of a deductible would be simple — the “amount of money that you have to pay for something (such as having your car fixed after an accident) before an insurance...