Lululemon Whistler Didn’t Get the Memo About Yoga Pants Recall

  Apparently, the folks up at Lululemon Whistler didn’t hear about the store’s overly-see-through yoga pants recall as perhaps “Show us your assana” isn’t the best message at the moment.  

/ April 2, 2013

Today’s Top Headlines

Here are some of today’s top stories from around the nation: The Atlantic apologizes for hiding Osama Bin Laden after 9/11; plans for epic scoop “an embarrassing episode in bad judgment” Apple to Spend Its $137 Billion in Cash Reserves...

/ April 1, 2013

How to List Linux Processes by Memory Usage

Use this command to list Linux processes according to their memory usage in descending order (via Linux Questions): ps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1nr | pr -TW$COLUMNS The output will look something like this: 181300 /usr/sbin/clamd 64144 amavisd (ch9-avail)...

/ March 25, 2013

Our Legal System Should Support Whistlerblowers

This is just a quick post on a deep, complicated issue… [teaser]As an American, I feel better off – and I think all Americans are better off, having knowledge of and access to the Collateral Damage video leaked by Bradley Manning.[/teaser] (Do...

/ March 21, 2013

Strange Fish Eating Birds at Green Lake

Does anyone know what kind of birds these are? On Monday, I saw about forty of them at Green Lake. You could literally see them scooping up fish in the shallows, bobbing their necks back and forth in swan-like fashion...

/ March 21, 2013

How to show current file in TextMate’s Project Drawer?

I’d been wondering this for a while and finally googled for it: how to show the current open file in TextMate’s Project Drawer? Command + Control + R Conversely, you can find and open a file by keyword with Command +...

/ March 21, 2013