Tag: activism

Single-Issue Activism Less Effective Against This Republican Party
Single-issue activism may not be effective in the current Republican era. Our election system is being attacked and our democracy is very sick. To build a new American democracy, we activists must change our tactics.
Sacré-Coeur – Billionaire Terrorism
Available under Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike.

Shining Light on Internet Rage
Today, I published Shining Light on Internet Rage: Shaming People Online is Easy; Making Change in the Real World is Not about the controversy that erupted over my earlier essay, Shining Light on Cutoff Culture. The outrage against me began when a feminist...

WTF? Seattle Hates French Letters
Can anyone shed light on this campaign?
Good Activism Breaks Law
Update: The Stranger published a shorter version of this on August 15. Last week, The Stranger called Initiative 103 “an unconstitutional waste of time,” but constitutionality isn’t the right benchmark to measure social change efforts. In 1873, after suffragist Susan...