Tag: emma

Emma Ivy – The Best Things Come in the Rain
Rain is from Emma Ivy’s 2020 album Aphid: From her Spotify Bio: Emma is a multi-disciplinary artist living in Chicago, IL. In January 2018, she released her first EP, “the Birds”, a small collection of the first songs she ever...

Emma the Immigration Bot Still Working Despite the Shutdown
While the United States spins out of the control under President Putin’s government shutdown, Emma the immigration bot is still working over at U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services. Not even talk of a wall or the gap in pay will...

Emma, Forever Ago on Soundbreaking
“Emma, Forever ago” holds a few of my favorite tracks. I like this short clip of Justin Vernon interviewed on the the late Beatles’ producer George Martin’s Soundbreaker. It highlights his use of the Mac’s ProTools to build an environment for him...