Tag: responsive

Seattle Times New Paywall or Mobile Bug?
The Seattle Times has had this bad iOS Safari bug for the past month or so. It reproduces always for me on Mobile Safari and Firefox Focus. To reproduce it, just visit their home page (or any story) on your...
How to Install WordPress in the Amazon Web Services Cloud
In a day and age where people routinely post their thoughts on Facebook, an unlinkable, unsearchable, corporate-controlled walled-“garden”, I’m a big fan of owning your own blog. Not only does it give you full creative control, but it’s free of...
Related Links
Purchase a pre-installed image of this tutorial and check out our new knowledge base Publishing with WordPress. WordPress WordPress.com – If you want them to host your blog. WPEngine – WordPress hosting company Page.ly – WordPress hosting company WordPress.org & the...
Create an Instance
Purchase a pre-installed image of this tutorial and check out our new knowledge base WordPress Now. Create an EC2 Server Instance Now that you have an account, you can log in to the AWS Console to create your new virtual...
Install Themes and Plugins
Purchase a pre-installed image of this tutorial and check out our new knowledge base WordPress Now. Choosing a Theme There are many great themes for WordPress. A lot are free but I don’t mind spending a bit (<$50) for a...
Secure Your Instance
Purchase a pre-installed image of this tutorial and check out our new knowledge base WordPress Now. Secure Your Instance While AWS provides its own firewall, there are still things you can do minimize security risks. Here are three things I...
Sign up for AWS
Purchase a pre-installed image of this tutorial and check out our new knowledge base WordPress Now. Sign Up for an AWS Account If you don’t yet have an Amazon Web Services (AWS) account, sign up for one. If you already...