Category: Featured

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How to Install Four Google News Reader Alternatives

2015 may mark the rebirth of the blog. This year, Medium’s raised $25 million, WordPress raised $160 million and Dave Winer is trying to help Facebook tear down the wall around its garden. I thought it might be a good time to revisit alternatives to...

/ August 31, 2014
Someone on the Internet is Wrong

How to Respond to Internet Trolls and Internet Rage

I’ve posted a short how to on responding to Internet trolls at Medium: So, you’ve been attacked by trolls? Here’s what to expect: Your phone will vibrate incessantly with Twitter mentions. You’ll receive angry, obscenity filled emails and anonymous comments on...

/ August 28, 2014

Shining Light on Internet Rage

Today, I published Shining Light on Internet Rage: Shaming People Online is Easy; Making Change in the Real World is Not about the controversy that erupted over my earlier essay, Shining Light on Cutoff Culture. The outrage against me began when a feminist...

/ August 21, 2014

The Five Ways Health Insurers Define Deductible

If Merriam-Webster had anything to do with it, the concept of a deductible would be simple — the “amount of money that you have to pay for something (such as having your car fixed after an accident) before an insurance...

/ July 21, 2014

Rolling with Beyonce and Jay-Z

Apparently, SeattleMet included me in their July Perfect Party for having written the popular article on Amazon’s impact on Seattle dating. I’m sure Beyonce and Jay-Z were just as psyched as I was. Postscript: A really wonderful outcome from this was...

/ July 16, 2014

Amazon’s Impact on Seattle Dating Resonated Widely

I had no idea that GeekWire’s coverage of You’ve Got Male: Amazon’s Growth Impacting Seattle Dating Scene would result in such widespread coverage as well as a viral spinoff. The gender ratio in Seattle and the failure of our local tech companies to hire women...

/ June 10, 2014

Yes, You Can Spend $750 in International Data Roaming in One Minute on AT&T

Update: Thanks to Slashdot, BoingBoing and T-Mobile CEO John Legere for sharing this! Apparently it’s possible to run up a $750 international data roaming bill in one minute on AT&T. Last week, after driving across the Canadian border at Blaine, I got...

/ June 4, 2014