Category: All

Reading & Conversation with Marianne Elliott: former UN peacekeeper, yogi and author of Zen Under Fire

Zen Under Fire Reading & Conversation with Marianne Elliott: former UN peacekeeper, yogi and author of Zen Under Fire: How I Found Peace in the Midst of War When: Saturday 29 June: 2.30pm – 4 pm Where: Sutra Yoga / 1605 North 45th Street...

/ June 28, 2013

How Geogram built a free group email service using Yii and Mailgun

The great folks at Mailgun have published my tutorial: How Geogram built a free group email service using Yii for PHP with MySQL also available on my blog. Mailgun is a scalable, cloud-based email engine that’s easy to integrate with your email-driven...

/ June 26, 2013

The Light that Comes From Inside

Go to a wide open space, Gaze without looking anywhere The mind stops its building of thoughts, And rests on its own foundation – Immensity. The light that you see by Is the light that comes from inside. – The...

/ June 16, 2013

Seattle Dance Clubs Fundraise to Pay Microsoft’s Tax Bill

In April 2010, Washington State’s Legislature changed the definition of its software royalty tax and effectively granted amnesty to Microsoft, helping the company lock up $1.51 billion in savings from its thirteen-year Nevada tax dodge – and more than $100 million...

/ April 12, 2013

Hunter’s Promised Royalty Tax Revenue Never Materialized

But the point of adding only royalty tax apportionment (out of scores of other B&O classifications) to the 2010 services apportionment bill was never meant to generate additional revenue, it was meant to eliminate the issue of Microsoft’s worldwide licensing...

/ April 12, 2013

The Third Anniversary of Washington State’s Big Tax Gift to Microsoft

Wednesday will be the third anniversary of the biggest corporate tax break in Washington State history. On April 10, 2010, the Legislature changed the definition of the state’s royalty tax and effectively granted amnesty to Microsoft, helping the company lock...

/ April 9, 2013

Lululemon Whistler Didn’t Get the Memo About Yoga Pants Recall

  Apparently, the folks up at Lululemon Whistler didn’t hear about the store’s overly-see-through yoga pants recall as perhaps “Show us your assana” isn’t the best message at the moment.  

/ April 2, 2013