Category: All

Today’s Top Headlines
Here are some of today’s top stories from around the nation: The Atlantic apologizes for hiding Osama Bin Laden after 9/11; plans for epic scoop “an embarrassing episode in bad judgment” Apple to Spend Its $137 Billion in Cash Reserves...

Recommended Laptop Stand and Travel Keyboard – Good Remote Ergonomics
Note: The domain name is for sale as well as many others. Learn more. I regularly work remotely at coffeeshops with my laptops and get a lot of questions about my portable ergonomic setup. Here’s a list of the components...

Is The Seattle Times scaling back its street distribution?
I’ve been noticing some neglected Seattle Times newspaper dispensers on Phinney Ridge and Capitol Hill. I’m wondering if in addition to the coming paywall, they are planning to reduce their street circulation.

Is it time for the U.S. Treasury to provide digital cash?
Update: I originally posted this piece about the weight of credit card fees on our economy to in 2010 and was reminded of it today by Kim Dotcom’s tweet above. See also the Guardian’s Bitcoin: more than just the currency of digital vice....

Phonebook Lawsuit Cost Seattle $264,503 in Legal Fees
Update: Seattle Weekly reports that the city has announced a $517,500 settlement with the phonebook companies. The total cost of the settlement and legal fees to the city therefore is $781,503. City says phonebook opt-out service will be taken offline soon....

Why You Should Care About Seattle’s Phonebook Debacle
Update: In response to my public records request, the City of Seattle reports it has paid $264,503 in outside legal fees during the Yellow Pages Lawsuit. Reading through the comments on BoingBoing about Seattle’s proposed $500,000 settlement with phonebook companies highlighted for me how misunderstood...

Is The Onion the Web’s Archie Bunker?
Anyone following The Onion the past few weeks probably shouldn’t have been surprised by its offensive Oscar tweet about Quvenzhane Wallis. In recent weeks, they’ve mocked the burning alive of former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner, the murder of Oscar Pistorius’...