Category: Corporate Power
Un-truthful Carrier: Ten Lies T-Mobile Told Me About My Data Plan
Last June, I wrote a post called “Yes, You Can Spend $750 in International Data Roaming in One Minute on AT&T” which quickly went viral. In it, I mentioned my plan to switch to T-Mobile which led to this tweet...

Hobby Lobby: Latest in Evolution of Corporate Consitutional Rights
The History of Corporate Constitutional Rights In light of this week’s Hobby Lobby ruling that corporations are persons under the law which can hold religious beliefs, I thought it would be good to revisit the origin and evolution of corporate personhood and corporate constitutional...

Yes, You Can Spend $750 in International Data Roaming in One Minute on AT&T
Update: Thanks to Slashdot, BoingBoing and T-Mobile CEO John Legere for sharing this! Apparently it’s possible to run up a $750 international data roaming bill in one minute on AT&T. Last week, after driving across the Canadian border at Blaine, I got...
It’s Time for a Populist Culture War on Corruption
The latest attack on net neutrality provides a perfect opportunity to reassess the operating integrity of our government and the effectiveness of our well-worn responses. Over the past week, I’ve seen requests to sign petitions, requests to call my representatives and requests...
How Things Change as Constitutional Rights Contract and Expand for People and Corporations
People often ask whether a proposed Seattle law such as Initiative 103 could actually impact the Supreme Court’s interpretation of corporate personhood and speech rights. Well, it wouldn’t be the first time a law from Washington State turned the tide of...
Impassioned BBC Interview on Society with Russell Brand
Please watch the Russell Brand interview on the BBC about culture and politics. via Gawker: “I don’t get my authority from this preexisting paradigm which is quite narrow and only serves a few people,” Russell responded. “I look elsewhere for alternatives...