Category: Humor

Is The Onion the Web’s Archie Bunker?
Anyone following The Onion the past few weeks probably shouldn’t have been surprised by its offensive Oscar tweet about Quvenzhane Wallis. In recent weeks, they’ve mocked the burning alive of former LAPD officer Christopher Dorner, the murder of Oscar Pistorius’...
Primal Pacs: Just Sick and Wrong
These primal pacs are disgusting. This is a product that might benefit from using opaque packaging materials.
What would Seinfeld be like today?
I’ve been kind of enjoying the Seinfeld Today twitter feed offering plot ideas for a post-social media, 2013-era show: [pullquote2 quotes=”true” textColor=”#000000″]Kramer joins a gay gym (“Well, those guys know how to take care of themselves.”), gets in a fight...