Category: Politics

Amazon Spends $350,000 on Lead PAC in Seattle Mayor’s Race
Amazon Linked Business PAC Drops $525,000 for Durkan On October 16th, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s PAC, Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy (CASE), contributed $525,000 to People for Jenny Durkan, the PAC linked to the Seattle mayoral candidate. CASE...

The 2018 Elections Will Likely Be Stolen
After writing 20 Ways the 2018 Elections Will Be Stolen, it became clear that the government control Republicans hold today is already illegitimate, based on a legacy of cheating and gaming elections and racism. I did not previously understand the...
Essayist: “…You Should Care About Other People”
I appreciated how Kayla Chadwick’s quote from her essay on compassion and politics rose above the fray to draw an insightful observation. I came across it via Twitter. When Ronald Reagan granted Rupert Murdock citizenship in ~1985 to purchase an...

Actually, It is Guns, Not Ideology
After the truck attack in Nice, France, radio host Joe Walsh tweeted, “Not a gun. Not a bomb. This was a truck. 2-3 minutes. As of now over 80 dead. Please understand now. It’s not the weapon. It’s the ideology.”...

Tim Eyman’s 1366 Can Fix Washington State’s Regressive Tax System
Tim Eyman's victory with Initiative 1366 may provide a major step towards real tax reform in Washington State. Cut the sales tax - tax corporations.

Amazon’s Terrible on Diversity (The Seattle Times is Wrong)
While I greatly appreciate Nina Shapiro’s front page story on Amazon’s impacts on The Seattle Times, I disagree with her coverage of the company’s impact on Seattle diversity; in fact, her reporting contradicts two other statistical reports from The Times’ Gene...

Microsoft Begins Returning Proceeds from Tax Dodging
Update: Welcome Slashdot readers! Please be sure to read about the San Francisco-ization of Seattle by Amazon and other technology leaders: How Our Success is Ruining Seattle Is Microsoft the New Robin Hood? Microsoft begins returning a fraction of its...