Category: Programming
How to List Linux Processes by Memory Usage
Use this command to list Linux processes according to their memory usage in descending order (via Linux Questions): ps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1nr | pr -TW$COLUMNS The output will look something like this: 181300 /usr/sbin/clamd 64144 amavisd (ch9-avail)...
How to show current file in TextMate’s Project Drawer?
I’d been wondering this for a while and finally googled for it: how to show the current open file in TextMate’s Project Drawer? Command + Control + R Conversely, you can find and open a file by keyword with Command +...

Helping Iran with Javascript and the CIA with WordPress Installation
Just another average day on my blog: One of the reasons I like vs. Analytics is that it reveals IP addresses.
How to install Apache, PHP, MySQL and phpMyAdmin on OS X 10.8 Mountain Lion
This is a very clear, easy to follow tutorial: Install and configure Apache, MySQL, PHP and phpMyAdmin on OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion

Using Javascript to Keep Us Safe From Terrorists
Someone buy the Federal government a Safari Online Subscription before we get attacked again by terrorists. Apparently, the Department of Defense and Department of Homeland Security regularly make use of my blog for help with Javascript: I rest easier knowing...
How to Install WordPress in the Amazon Web Services Cloud
In a day and age where people routinely post their thoughts on Facebook, an unlinkable, unsearchable, corporate-controlled walled-“garden”, I’m a big fan of owning your own blog. Not only does it give you full creative control, but it’s free of...
Hipster Ipsum – Dummy filler text for your website
Looking for dummy filler text for your website or design project: Check out Hipster Ipsum | Artisanal filler text for your site or project. For example: “Banksy aesthetic occupy bicycle rights ennui. Art party fanny pack blog irony quinoa pinterest. Hoodie...