Category: Science

Meet Lenore, My Radiosurgeon
A visual guide to CyberKnife radiosurgery for my brain tumor.

What We Can Learn From My Brain Tumor
Seize the day is a theme in our culture because we never know how long we have. It's a cliché that's abstract until it isn't.
Comet Seen from Chennai February 2014
For a few minutes each morning at sunrise over Chennai, India, this object would appear, I think it’s a comet. Is it possibly comet ISON seen over Chennai in late 2013?

New York Times on Climate Change: “There’s not a lot of news in this area.”
Today’s Quote of the Day: [pullquote1 quotes=”true” align=”center” textColor=”#000000″]There’s not a lot of news in this area – we’re watching glaciers melting – so there isn’t an urgency to get things into the paper right away[/pullquote1] – Elisabeth Rosenthal, New York...

How we know what we know – Richard Dawkins on Evidence in Science
via Brainpickings: beautiful letter by Richard Dawkins to his ten year old daughter on how we know what we know:[pullquote2 quotes=”true” align=”center” textColor=”#000000″ cite=”Richard Dawkins”]People sometimes say that you must believe in feelings deep inside, otherwise you’d never be confident...