Category: Seattle

Green Lake at Dusk
Walking at dusk yielded bright sunset colors at Green Lake

Beautiful Day at Green Lake
Photos from a beautiful walk at Green Lake in Seattle, including a Blue Heron taking off.

My Indypendent Conversations on Amazon HQ2 with Peter Rugh
Listen to my conversation on Amazon HQ2 with Peter Rugh at the Indypendent. I enjoyed talking to Peter about Amazon’s impacts on Seattle as well as the positive power of taxes and regulations: The audio quality improves shortly after the...

Amazon Spends $350,000 on Lead PAC in Seattle Mayor’s Race
Amazon Linked Business PAC Drops $525,000 for Durkan On October 16th, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s PAC, Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy (CASE), contributed $525,000 to People for Jenny Durkan, the PAC linked to the Seattle mayoral candidate. CASE...

Speaking with CBC Calgary EyeOpener about Amazon HQ2
Interested in Amazon HQ2’s impact on your city, listen to my chat with David Gray of the CBC Calgary EyeOpener which aired September 27th, 2017 (jump to 6m 40s). To learn more about Amazon’s first headquarters’ impact on Seattle, check...

Let Other Cities Fight Over Amazon HQ2
Seattle resident says let other cities fight over Amazon HQ2. Amazon will change your city in ways you've never considered.

Seattle Landlord Doubles Rent to Force Out Tenants
In Massive rent hikes, remodel renders Lake Union building ‘uninhabitable’, Daniel DeMay reports on a landlord that has increased rent 121 percent — from $1,985 to $4,387, and performed remodeling without a permit in a purposely obstructive way to force out tenants....