Category: Tech

Forget Boeing, Microsoft’s Tax Break Costs $776 Million
On Tuesday, The Seattle Times’ columnist Danny Westneat expressed shock that Boeing’s tax breaks cost the state $304 million last year. He failed to mention that the legislature’s actions in 2010 allowed Microsoft to save $776 million in taxes this...
My Experience with Domain Investing
Domain investing has been a profitable side project for me. It began back in 2007 when I sold a .org domain for nearly a year’s salary. It was an eye-opening experience and inspired me to invest further. Since then, I’ve...

A New Business Model for Twitter
Only Customer Focus Can Address Twitter’s Decline Despite its 307 million users, Twitter’s market capitalization declined from $50 billion to $11.5 billion in the past two years. This is likely to continue as growth slows and its $100 million quarterly...
Exploitation Example from Patreon Hack
Last fall’s Patreon hack made it easy for anyone with basic technical skills to spam Patreon members. I received this “marketing pitch:” $99 for promotion of my profile in what seemed like a Patreon promotional opportunity: The funny thing is that with...

Meet Lenore, My Radiosurgeon
A visual guide to CyberKnife radiosurgery for my brain tumor.
Google Now Studying “Suers”
More evidence of why I’m clearly not smart enough to work there.
Shazam Autorecording: Can’t Turn It Off
[vimeo url=”″] I’ve uninstalled Shazam on iOS as it recently stopped allowing users to turn off auto-recording. I don’t want the app running down my battery listening for audio as I go about my day. I’m surprised this kind of...