Category: Washington State

Tim Eyman’s 1366 Can Fix Washington State’s Regressive Tax System
Tim Eyman's victory with Initiative 1366 may provide a major step towards real tax reform in Washington State. Cut the sales tax - tax corporations.
Mental Health Parity (or Parody?)
Lifewise reports that they are raising the copay for mental health visits to $50 per visit. So much for mental health parity. I believe this copay was $10 in 2014 and raised to $30 per visit in 2015. So, essentially,...

The Out of Pocket Maximum That Isn’t
The Affordable Care Act's Out of Pocket Maximum isn't what you'd expect. In Washington State, it's insurance fraud.

Seattle’s Coming ‘Amazocalypse’
Amazon's male programmers struggling to find bathrooms will soon be able to walk home to pee.

Amazon’s Terrible on Diversity (The Seattle Times is Wrong)
While I greatly appreciate Nina Shapiro’s front page story on Amazon’s impacts on The Seattle Times, I disagree with her coverage of the company’s impact on Seattle diversity; in fact, her reporting contradicts two other statistical reports from The Times’ Gene...

It’s Time to Cut Our Spending at Amazon
The company's ignored the massive problems it's created in Seattle. It's time to stop shopping with them.

Amazon Misleads the Associated Press About Seattle’s Affordable Housing
[dropcap2]E[/dropcap2]arly in July, Amazon PR told the Associated Press (AP) that it had “given the city [of Seattle] tens of millions of dollars for affordable housing” for a story that appeared on more than 300 news sites including The New York...