Finding the best meeting scheduler
If you’ve scheduled meetings, especially group meetings, you know how difficult it can be to find the best time and place to get together. My goal with Meeting Planner is to provide the best meeting scheduler on the web. Today,...

A Block Together List of Top Twitter Advertisers
Twitter is infamous for allowing harassment, abuse, Russian bots, racism and white supremacy to dominate its platform. I’ve been attacked at least twice, most notably when a couple of popular bloggers encouraged their followers to harass me in 2014 and...

Cat Treats: Cat Eating Seaweed
My housemate’s cat loves seaweed … she’ll eat it all day. It’s her favorite treat:

Find and Support Black Women Running for Office in 2018
I was pessimistic on the night of Alabama’s special election. I watched the incoming results and began to see that Doug Jones was the likely winner. Frankly, I was shocked. I just didn’t think that Alabama would elect a Democratic...

Supreme Court Considering Ohio Voter Purge Corrupted by 2004 Election Fraud
As the Supreme Court considers the Ohio voter purge, we should talk about the two justices likely appointed as a result of 2004 election fraud. George W. Bush won Ohio in 2004 because of extensive voter access manipulation in Ohio....

Cat Yoga at Purringtons Cat Lounge
Photos from a fun night of cat yoga with Jell-O, Janine and Landon at Purringtons Cat Lounge.

Cutoff Scene from Girls
I've added a clip from Girls of the fight between Jessa and Hannah spawned by the latter's unexplained cutoff. Hope you'll check it out: “You can’t just erase people. You can’t just erase me.”