Lightweight Mac Imaging Editor Acorn 6 Released
Acorn 6 – The Image Editor for Humans If you’ve ever waited a longtime for Photoshop to load, you know it’s not the best for lightweight mac image editing. I’ve been a longterm user of Acorn 4 and 5. And,...

Fifty Episode Milestone for the Building Your Startup Series
Back in 2014, I sketched an idea to simplify scheduling apps on a napkin and pitched writing a series about it as a startup to my editor Tom McFarlin at Envato Tuts+. He approved and I got to work. I wouldn’t...

Seattle Landlord Doubles Rent to Force Out Tenants
In Massive rent hikes, remodel renders Lake Union building ‘uninhabitable’, Daniel DeMay reports on a landlord that has increased rent 121 percent — from $1,985 to $4,387, and performed remodeling without a permit in a purposely obstructive way to force out tenants....

The Three Most Popular Meeting Times
My startup Meeting Planner has helped identify the most popular meeting times people prefer. The results are surprising, there are three that stand way above all other selections. Now that Meeting Planner and Simple Planner have been live for more than six months, I...

How to Schedule Team Meetings Easier and Faster
Scheduling team meetings and group events is challenging. Meeting Planner and Meeting Planner makes it easy to help teams choose dates, times and places to get together. Rather than guess at the best time or place, Simple Planner lets meeting organizers...