Business Groups See Loss of Sway Over House G.O.P.

Here’s the New York Times today on business leaders who bought the government but aren’t seeing it do its bidding: ā€œThere clearly are people in the Republican Party at the moment for whom the business community and the interests of...

/ October 10, 2013
Parking Theme to Sell Your Domain Name

How to Park, List and Sell Your Domains

Here are some of the tools that I use to simplify automation of parking, listing and selling my Internet domain portfolio. You can see the results in action here: and domains for sale. 1. Parking Page: Use a parking...

/ October 3, 2013

Kick the NSA and Google Out of Your Office with O.N.I.C.S.

The great folks where I cowork, Office Nomads, launched O.N.I.C.S. for intra-office delivery of appreciations, treats, love notes, kindnesses, invitations and other awesome things. That’s what they say – but it’s clearly a cleverly designed countermeasure against NSA & Google...

/ October 3, 2013

Amazon’s Civic Apps Contest Disappears

This post was updated at 2 pm PST with Amazon response, cached contest documentation and prize amounts. Amazon has apparently “unlaunched” and postponed its $100,000+ Civic Apps Contest for AWS. Amazon AWS PR spokespersonĀ Kerri Catallozzi wrote, “We accidentally pushed this...

/ September 20, 2013

First Indications of Affordable Care Act in Washington Look Awful

I knew that the Affordable Care Act was likely a disaster, essentially handing over billions in annual subsidies to for profit health insurers whose overhead is 18-20% vs. Medicare’s 6%. However, I wanted to give President Obama the benefit of...

/ September 18, 2013

Open Source Mailing List Application for Mailgun’s PHP SDK

If you’re a developer looking for a simple streamlined mailing list service – or a super scalable one, check out my tutorial at Mailgun’s blog: Open Source Mailing List Applet Using the Mailgun PHP SDK. This project is also written...

/ September 5, 2013

How to Get Started Building a Web Site

There are a number of services available now that make building and maintaining an attractive, effective web site easy and fun. But whether you’re building a basic web site, blog or advanced web application, there are a broad number of...

/ August 23, 2013