How to List Linux Processes by Memory Usage

Use this command to list Linux processes according to their memory usage in descending order (via Linux Questions): ps -e -orss=,args= | sort -b -k1,1nr | pr -TW$COLUMNS The output will look something like this: 181300 /usr/sbin/clamd 64144 amavisd (ch9-avail)...

/ March 25, 2013

Our Legal System Should Support Whistlerblowers

This is just a quick post on a deep, complicated issue… [teaser]As an American, I feel better off – and I think all Americans are better off, having knowledge of and access to the Collateral Damage video leaked by Bradley Manning.[/teaser] (Do...

/ March 21, 2013

Strange Fish Eating Birds at Green Lake

Does anyone know what kind of birds these are? On Monday, I saw about forty of them at Green Lake. You could literally see them scooping up fish in the shallows, bobbing their necks back and forth in swan-like fashion...

/ March 21, 2013

How to show current file in TextMate’s Project Drawer?

I’d been wondering this for a while and finally googled for it: how to show the current open file in TextMate’s Project Drawer? Command + Control + R Conversely, you can find and open a file by keyword with Command +...

/ March 21, 2013

Recommended Laptop Stand and Travel Keyboard – Good Remote Ergonomics

Note: The domain name is for sale as well as many others. Learn more. I regularly work remotely at coffeeshops with my laptops and get a lot of questions about my portable ergonomic setup. Here’s a list of the components...

/ March 18, 2013

Is The Seattle Times scaling back its street distribution?

I’ve been noticing some neglected Seattle Times newspaper dispensers on Phinney Ridge and Capitol Hill. I’m wondering if in addition to the coming paywall, they are planning to reduce their street circulation.

/ March 7, 2013