Tag: amazon

Amazon Surpasses $1 Trillion in Cumulative Revenue
Trillion Dollar Milestone Reached in Company’s 25th Year When Amazon announced its third quarter results ending September 30, 2018, its $56.6 billion in net sales brought its cumulative revenue to $989.57 billion1. It also announced guidance for net sales this quarter of...

An Update on the Distribution of Men and Women Dating in Seattle
Research says Seattle has the most unfavorable dating climate for men, with as many as two men for every woman in some dating segments.

Support the Amazon Head Tax
My column in the Seattle PI in support of the head tax on Amazon encourages neighbors to fight the real monster in Seattle.

My Indypendent Conversations on Amazon HQ2 with Peter Rugh
Listen to my conversation on Amazon HQ2 with Peter Rugh at the Indypendent. I enjoyed talking to Peter about Amazon’s impacts on Seattle as well as the positive power of taxes and regulations: The audio quality improves shortly after the...

Amazon Spends $350,000 on Lead PAC in Seattle Mayor’s Race
Amazon Linked Business PAC Drops $525,000 for Durkan On October 16th, the Seattle Chamber of Commerce’s PAC, Civic Alliance for a Sound Economy (CASE), contributed $525,000 to People for Jenny Durkan, the PAC linked to the Seattle mayoral candidate. CASE...
Notable comment on Success Ruining Seattle
I was touched by Adelaide McAllister’s comment on How Success is Ruining Seattle: I lived in Seattle my entire life. I was forced to move due to the cost of living doubling in that last few years. I am sickened...