Category: Featured
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Peepless in Seattle: Dating, Friendship, and the Seattle Freeze After Forty
Why 20 thousand additional men in a city might make finding meaningful romance more difficult — for everyone.

Hacking Weight Loss: What I Learned Losing 30 Pounds
May 2015 Update: My weight loss has totaled 35 pounds. I now weigh 165 lbs. Thank you everyone for your comments, well wishes and best of luck to you with your own health. Thanks also to Slashdot for sharing this post with their...

Why Clinton Email Server Has Legs
The political left may want the media to let the Clinton email server story die but I think it highlights some of the more troubling aspects of our experience with the Clinton legacy. While the most obvious reason Hillary Clinton...

Funded By Seattle Real Estate Developers, Forbes Writer Attacks Amazon Critic
Upton Sinclair said, “it is difficult to get a man to understand something, when his salary depends on his not understanding it*.” This is evident in Roger Valdez’s column in Forbes today (How Jobs and Awkward White Men Are Destroying a...

Hunger, Hope, and Healing: A Yoga Approach to Reclaiming Your Relationship to Your Body and Food
Discounted through February 24th: Use offer code HHHPC14 at Shambala. One of my most inspired yoga teachers, Sarahjoy Marsh, has a book coming out this week. It’s called, Hunger, Hope, and Healing: A Yoga Approach to Reclaiming Your Relationship to Your...
Un-truthful Carrier: Ten Lies T-Mobile Told Me About My Data Plan
Last June, I wrote a post called “Yes, You Can Spend $750 in International Data Roaming in One Minute on AT&T” which quickly went viral. In it, I mentioned my plan to switch to T-Mobile which led to this tweet...

How Seahawk are you Seattle? Sorry, not much.
I don’t really understand the attachment of Seattle’s notoriously fair-weather fans to the Seahawks. I thought it might be useful to review for you all how little in common you have with your beloved Seahawks. Sorry, it’s not much. The average Seahawk...