Category: Northwest

The Third Anniversary of Washington State’s Big Tax Gift to Microsoft

Wednesday will be the third anniversary of the biggest corporate tax break in Washington State history. On April 10, 2010, the Legislature changed the definition of the state’s royalty tax and effectively granted amnesty to Microsoft, helping the company lock...

/ April 9, 2013

The Deschutes Coconut Bliss Float

The Northwest has hatched a pretty amazing microcosm of foodie-ism … in Seattle, we have microbrews, locally sourced cupcakes and ice cream, fair trade chocolate made from the bean, vegan donuts … well you get the picture. So, last night...

/ February 8, 2013

How Phonebook Companies Are Wasting Seattle Taxpayers’ Money

Thud… Thud… Thud! That’s the sound of phonebooks you opted out from landing on your porch in the near future if Seattle loses a lawsuit brought by phonebook publishers. The case is a perfect example of big business using “corporate personhood”...

/ July 11, 2012

Initiative 103 Provides Tools Seattle Needs to Protect Our Community

    Issue after issue in Seattle pits corporate power and influence peddling against residents and our environment. Initiative 103’s Community Bill of Rights provides the tools residents need to protect and manage what happens in our city.     Take a...

/ May 12, 2012

Pacific Northwest Emerging as a Stronghold for a New Kind of Activism

There’s a new form of activism gaining strength in the Pacific Northwest. Citizen organizers in three Washington cities are gathering signatures to place initiatives on the November ballot that would limit corporate power and elevate peoples’ rights above corporate rights:...

/ April 26, 2012