Category: Seattle

How Seahawk are you Seattle? Sorry, not much.
I don’t really understand the attachment of Seattle’s notoriously fair-weather fans to the Seahawks. I thought it might be useful to review for you all how little in common you have with your beloved Seahawks. Sorry, it’s not much. The average Seahawk...

Amazon’s Seattle Headcount to Nearly Triple in Five Years
Shortly after ‘Amageddon’: How Amazon’s culture is taking a toll on Seattle’s future went viral over at GeekWire, Amazon dropped a bombshell. It’s building enough office space to nearly triple its Seattle headcount by 2019. If you like the current dose...

Two People that Made Me a Better Writer
If you liked this week’s “‘Amageddon’: How Amazon’s culture is taking a toll on Seattle’s future,” there are two people that you may wish to follow, unfortunately, one has passed on and you can only read some of her earlier material....

Amageddon: Amazon’s Driving Seattle to an Increasingly Obvious Future
GeekWire published my latest “‘Amageddon’: How Amazon’s culture is taking a toll on Seattle’s future“. It’s received nearly 10,000 Facebook actions and definitely tapped into unspoken upset in Seattle residents about the company’s growth. Here’s an excerpt: When I arrived...
My Experience with Seattle PD Response to Property Crime
Here are my personal experiences with the Seattle PD’s capacity to respond to property crime: 1. September 2014: Current holder of my stolen MacBook Pro with serial # verified by Apple support is heading to South Center at 6 pm for...
Apple Continues Support for Stolen MacBooks and Devices
Apple has no policy of reporting stolen computers brought in for support to the police. In fact, they continue to provide warranty care and service. My home was burglarized in February. Over the last few days, Apple’s systems notified me...
There will be NO DANCING to Pomplamoose at Neumos!
Apparently, there is no dancing allowed at the upcoming Pomplamoose show in Seattle at Neumos!!! NONE! And you thought those stories about Washington’s tax collectors scouring Yelp to tax night clubs while granting billion dollar tax breaks to Microsoft were...