Category: Tech
Followup Q&A to Geekwire Commentary on The Seattle Times and the FBI
I received a handful of good questions and comments in response to my Geekwire commentary: Outrage over FBI’s online tactics highlights knee-jerk Internet culture (also on Slashdot). I made some additional inquiries to Media Spokesperson Ayn Dietrich-Williams at the FBI about...

Introducing BirdHouse: A Twitter API Application for PHP
My latest PHP application lets you manage and build on the Twitter API; it’s called Birdhouse. Here’s a summary of the features that Birdhouse currently offers: Manage multiple Twitter accounts Support for the Twitter REST API and User Streaming API...
How to Install the Ghost Blogging Platform
Getting Started This tutorial describes how to install the open source Ghost blogging platform on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS at Digital Ocean. You’ll want to have a domain name or sub-domain registered for the app, e.g. If you don’t have a registrar or...
Apple Continues Support for Stolen MacBooks and Devices
Apple has no policy of reporting stolen computers brought in for support to the police. In fact, they continue to provide warranty care and service. My home was burglarized in February. Over the last few days, Apple’s systems notified me...
How to Install Four Google News Reader Alternatives
2015 may mark the rebirth of the blog. This year, Medium’s raised $25 million, WordPress raised $160 million and Dave Winer is trying to help Facebook tear down the wall around its garden. I thought it might be a good time to revisit alternatives to...

How to Respond to Internet Trolls and Internet Rage
I’ve posted a short how to on responding to Internet trolls at Medium: So, you’ve been attacked by trolls? Here’s what to expect: Your phone will vibrate incessantly with Twitter mentions. You’ll receive angry, obscenity filled emails and anonymous comments on...