Two Minutes in Seattle’s Discovery Park
A dozenish ten second scenes from Seattle’s Discovery Park: Seattleās Discovery Park 2018 from Jeff Reifman

Florence and the Machine with Karinya “Yaya” Chen
Florence’s upcoming album release reminded of her visit to Karinya “Yaya” Chen in the hospice. They sing together and it always makes me cry. They also sang Dog Days are Over. Do watch this interview with Karinya afterwards shortly before...

Help My Friend Tim Clemans Off the Streets
Help inspired assistive technologist Tim Clemans afford shelter in Seattle

There’s a Problem with Your Tweet
There’s no problem with your tweet, there’s a problem with Twitter Have you noticed lately that fewer people see and react to your tweets? Looks like there’s a problem with your account. At least that’s what Twitter will tell you...

Support the Amazon Head Tax
My column in the Seattle PI in support of the head tax on Amazon encourages neighbors to fight the real monster in Seattle.

Green Lake at Dusk
Walking at dusk yielded bright sunset colors at Green Lake

The Wonderful Audain Art Museum in Whistler, B.C.
The architecture and art within the Audain Art Museum makes a wonderfully worthy visit to Whistler.