Supreme Court Considering Ohio Voter Purge Corrupted by 2004 Election Fraud
As the Supreme Court considers the Ohio voter purge, we should talk about the two justices likely appointed as a result of 2004 election fraud. George W. Bush won Ohio in 2004 because of extensive voter access manipulation in Ohio....

Cat Yoga at Purringtons Cat Lounge
Photos from a fun night of cat yoga with Jell-O, Janine and Landon at Purringtons Cat Lounge.

Cutoff Scene from Girls
I've added a clip from Girls of the fight between Jessa and Hannah spawned by the latter's unexplained cutoff. Hope you'll check it out: “You can’t just erase people. You can’t just erase me.”

Which is better? Yaktrax or Kahtoola NANOspikes
Last year, I tried both Yaktrax and Kahtoola NANOspikes. We had icy sidewalks for about ten days and getting around was simply sketchy and dangerous. The Yaktrax kept falling off my shoes and when I went into stores with concrete floors they became...

My Indypendent Conversations on Amazon HQ2 with Peter Rugh
Listen to my conversation on Amazon HQ2 with Peter Rugh at the Indypendent. I enjoyed talking to Peter about Amazon’s impacts on Seattle as well as the positive power of taxes and regulations: The audio quality improves shortly after the...

How to Fight Back Against the Canary All in One Security Camera Scam
Update July 2018: If you are a Canary purchaser upset how they scammed you and other customers, please get in contact with me as quickly as you can. Here’s are some ways to fight back against Canary for bricking our...