My Experience with Netgear Customer Support for CM500 Modem
For curious reasons I’ll be blogging about soon, I was to told to call Comcast to open up a few UDP ports. Comcast refused to offer any assistance saying the problem was with my router or my cable modem. I...
An Interesting Occurrence of a Small Production PHP Bug
Recently, I created a bug at Meeting Planner which took some time to track down. Everything worked on my local development environment, but adding dates and times and places and making meeting choices failed on the live production server. Ultimately,...
Heartwarming Megan Marie Myers Show at JoLa Cafe – Portland
If you’re in Portland, consider taking your children to the heartwarmingly beautiful show by localish artist Megan Marie Myers at the JoLa Cafe through July 22, 2016. As soon as you walk into JoLa, you’re touched by large format originals...

The Road to Amazocalypse
I wanted to share some of Megan Marie Myer’s original sketches for Zoe and the Amazocalypse, our Kickstarter for an illustrated children’s book about the tech boom’s impacts on Seattle. She actually came up with the box monster concept used...