Category: Programming

Amazon’s Civic Apps Contest Disappears
This post was updated at 2 pm PST with Amazon response, cached contest documentation and prize amounts. Amazon has apparently “unlaunched” and postponed its $100,000+ Civic Apps Contest for AWS. Amazon AWS PR spokesperson Kerri Catallozzi wrote, “We accidentally pushed this...

Open Source Mailing List Application for Mailgun’s PHP SDK
If you’re a developer looking for a simple streamlined mailing list service – or a super scalable one, check out my tutorial at Mailgun’s blog: Open Source Mailing List Applet Using the Mailgun PHP SDK. This project is also written...

How to Get Started Building a Web Site
There are a number of services available now that make building and maintaining an attractive, effective web site easy and fun. But whether you’re building a basic web site, blog or advanced web application, there are a broad number of...
How to Find Cells That Contain Text in Excel
You can use a formula like this to indicate cells that contain text in Excel. Any cell that contains the strings tips, help or support will show up as true, otherwise they will be false: =OR(ISNUMBER(SEARCH("tips",D2)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("help",D2)),ISNUMBER(SEARCH("support",D2)))

How to Build Your Own Web Site Monitoring App with Notifications for iOS and Android
If you run a web site or blog of any importance to you or your business, it’s important to have a monitoring service to ensure that it’s always running, especially if you have a sophisticated service running background tasks. A...

How to Use Zillow Neighborhood Maps and HTML5 Geolocation
Purchase a pre-installed image of this tutorial as a Digital Ocean droplet for just $15. Back in 2008, Zillow released boundary shape files to more than 7,000 U.S. neighborhoods via a Creative Commons Attribution-Sharealike license. Zillow did so to encourage innovation...
How Geogram built a free group email service using Yii and Mailgun
The great folks at Mailgun have published my tutorial: How Geogram built a free group email service using Yii for PHP with MySQL also available on my blog. Mailgun is a scalable, cloud-based email engine that’s easy to integrate with your email-driven...