Category: Tech
My Experience with Netgear Customer Support for CM500 Modem
For curious reasons I’ll be blogging about soon, I was to told to call Comcast to open up a few UDP ports. Comcast refused to offer any assistance saying the problem was with my router or my cable modem. I...

The Road to Amazocalypse
I wanted to share some of Megan Marie Myer’s original sketches for Zoe and the Amazocalypse, our Kickstarter for an illustrated children’s book about the tech boom’s impacts on Seattle. She actually came up with the box monster concept used...
Practicing Media Queries and Breakpoints
I found this one pretty helpful: @media only life and (max-energy-level: 60%) and (-caffeine-ratio: 2) { .editorBossperson { available-to:false; visible-to:false; } }
25 Years Ago Today I Started at Microsoft and…
On June 3, 1991, I began my career at Microsoft. Today is also the one year anniversary of my brain surgery. Both have provided incredible experiences yet only one left me permanently scarred. For the first four years at Microsoft,...

My Digital Ocean Affiliate Program Experience
With the Digital Ocean affiliate program, I've helped sign up more than 2,387 new customers and earned nearly $7,000. Learn more about their referral program.

Microsoft Revenue Quietly Surpasses $1 Trillion
Microsoft recently surpassed $1 trillion in cumulative revenues. Similarly, Amazon's earned more than a half trillion. Yet, Washington State still can't afford to pay for education, transportation, police and other vital services and resources.