Category: Yoga
Mad Love – Meghan Currie on the Beach
[teaser]I’m not usually a fan of these kinds of videos because I don’t believe in over-emphasizing the physicality of yoga achievable only by few, but I think this one is well done. Meghan Currie via Elephant Journal. Her drop back...

Notes on the New Yorker’s Top One Hundred Lists of All Time
Interesting: The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are #7 on The New Yorker’s Top One Hundred Lists of All Time. Perhaps missed, the Vigyan Bhairav Tantra, also known as the Radiant Sutras, 112 Tantra Yoga Teachings for Opening to the Divine in Everyday...

Hala Khouri’s Yoga for Trauma Workshop in Seattle
Hala Khouri is holding a three day workshop in Seattle, register early to reserve your spot: The focus of this training is on understanding the physiology of trauma and how it shows up in the body. The majority of people...