Category: Humor

Kaiser Permanente’s Unfortunate Dog Fountain
Kaiser Permanente placed a dog fountain in front of their new Care Essentials without a people fountain for the street's homeless. So, I tried to fix it for them.

The Brilliance of Amtrak Security
Traveling in the Northwest by Amtrak was relaxing and beautiful. There were almost no lines and they seemed to know I was carrying a real laptop and had purchased my water at the train station. After having been felt up before a...

The Road to Amazocalypse
I wanted to share some of Megan Marie Myer’s original sketches for Zoe and the Amazocalypse, our Kickstarter for an illustrated children’s book about the tech boom’s impacts on Seattle. She actually came up with the box monster concept used...
Google Now Studying “Suers”
More evidence of why I’m clearly not smart enough to work there.

Jasper’s Summer Cat Shave Frightens Sister Luna
When my neighbor Jasper got a cool lion shave this summer, his sister Luna didn’t recognize him when he arrived home. She hissed at him for days … and then she got her own. Here’s what happened next: The video...

What Are the Odds of Finding Your Ideal Partner (in Seattle)?
For its Valentines Day episode in 2013, This American Life’s David Kestenbaum shared an anecdote of physicists trying to calculate the odds of finding a girlfriend in Boston. They began with the population of Boston, adjusted for the female contingent...